Funny Episode of Cops and Officer Imitating Siren

Let's Be Cops (2014) Poster

7 /10

Let's Be Cops is that stupid cop movie that most critics aren't gonna like, but I did

Everyone has played cops and robbers at some point. This is the most basic of imagination games a child could play not matter what part of the world or even time period they came from. It about the thrill of chasing the bad guy or being the bad guy and trying to evade the good guys. You could stage a robbery or stop a kidnapping, but this is something I could easily believe every one has done. But like most growing people, these games end as adults decide to start playing with something that truly interests them and make a career out of it.

But sometimes the cops and robbers game is fun enough that the adult wants this to become their life. They'll ask for information on what the next step is to becoming a real life officer. Either they'll be scared away from the complicated paperwork and academy, denied because of something they have or done, or they possess the will to go through with it and make it a career. But you occasionally hear about those bad apples that think its funny to impersonate an officer. Like the characters in Let's Be Cops, their most likely stupid and don't think about the consequences on the people they fool.

Justin (played by Damon Wayans, Jr.) and Ryan (played by Jake Johnson) are two best friends that have lived in Los Angeles hoping that their lives here would be better then in Ohio. This is not the case as Justin is a video game designer whose more of an assistant then a creative mind and Ryan is a bum friend whose football days are long behind him and living off of a commercial payday that has kept him stable. They head out to a college reunion as cops thinking it's a costume party. Not only is it a masquerade party instead, but they have a hard time fitting in with their more successful classmates.

Just as they decide they might go back to Ohio, they discover something on the city streets; people are giving them double takes, the tallest of men start to slouch and the hottest of women give them smiles. The two quickly realize that people think that their cops. Ryan wants to play around with this more, now getting the respect that he's wanted after college, though Justin is more of a weak coward whose more concerned with going to prison. The two eventually get good enough to deceive the L.A.P.D. and start doing detective work for a Russian mafia.

Every summer there's a movie that I'm gonna find is a surprise that I didn't expect; Let's Be Cops is the surprise. It was a movie I remember laughing at even though a lot of the gags were stupid, reminding me of something like Surf Ninjas. But…I kind of like Surf Ninjas. So why am I forgiving here and not of something like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that was full of dumb jokes?

First of all, the jokes feel like timeless jokes, as to say that they didn't rely on modern day or pop culture things that could be dated in a few years. Second, the characters are likable. Both Justin and Ryan feel like those recent college buddies that still need to find better interests, but they put so much passion in what their doing that you really want to see where they go with this. Third, I feel like that the movie is in on the whole joke of cop clichès and that most of the jokes, especially the jokes that aren't funny, are intentional.

I'll give this seven fake police badges out of ten. Let's Be Cops is that comedy that will become a hit on television through repeated viewings at midnight with teenagers and college students. I can't say it's for everyone, but this is something you need to turn off your logical brain to enjoy.

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8 /10

Good for who just watch movie for fun, not good for those who analyze movies

I have just spent 2 hour on buses and 1 hour on foot to a cinema to watch this movie, and it totally worth it.

It is fun and I love it.

I admit that there are something in the movie that is not logical or not realistic, but it can still be called a good comedy as long as you do not take all the things so seriously.

Someone also mentioned that they are attracted by the trailer and are disappointed after watching it. What I shall say is that trailer does not exaggerate the fun point of the movie, I saw more fun spots in the movie which didn't shown in the trailer.

If you just want to have fun, it is a good choice, but if you want a very logical/classic/perfect story, do not try this one.

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10 /10

Soon-To-Be Cult-Classic.

Upon its release, Let's Be Cops got negative reviews. It wasn't panned, people and critics just said it simply wasn't good. There is a group of people that loved this. Many cult classics were hated at first, then eventually get a fan base. I am part of that fan base.

What people really need to know about Let's Be Cops is that it's not a dim-witted comedy. Dim- witted comedies are like Strange Wilderness, Brothers Soloman, and Dude, Where's My Car? Those are plagued with dumb characters and a lack of intelligence and heart. Jake Johnson and Damon Wayans Jr. are the main characters who are much smarter than the average dim-witted character. Johnson is pretty close, but not quite. I will admit this movie isn't very funny, nor funny as a typical dim-witted comedy. Perhaps it would have been funnier if it had more dim- witted elements and characters. Perhaps not.

Let's Be Cops is about two thirty-year-old best friends, Ryan O'Malley and Justin Miller (Johnson, Wayans), who live in Los Angeles for opportunity, but think it's time to go back to Ohio. Justin works at a video game company where he is a big pushover; Ryan doesn't work and and aspires to nothing, just wishing he could play pro-football. When they intercept real police uniforms, they act like real cops, then get involved in a high-profile drug case. The first little bit when they dress up as cops and start acting like them is pretty funny because we all know everybody would try to abuse their privilege. Then the funniness starts to die down, but that is when the brains of the movie come.

What makes Let's Be Cops so appealing that so many people miss is what the police work does to Ryan and Justin. For Ryan, it gives him a sense of enjoyment and pride which he hasn't had in a long time. For Justin, it gives him confidence and helps with his assertiveness. That is what the movie is all about: finding your true self. Is the movie unrealistic and silly? Of course, but that's what makes it a nice watch. Two losers put on police outfits and something changes inside themselves. They find the respect they've always longed for.


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8 /10

Perfectly Pitched

Good comedies are hard to do. Let's face it, we're bored with 'hangover II etc' and a comedy isn't funny if it just repeats previous comedies or if it is just banal humour.

Well, this film is neither intellectual nor cheesy. It has a really nice core story about these two great guys who have had very little success in life, but then they realise how powerful they are just by wearing police uniforms. The story seems simple, but the two main actors play it just right and it doesn't go over the top, but produces a really humorous film that kept be riveted. One of the best comedies I have seen, simply because it gets the balance right and is light, exciting, fun, has a little depth, and made me laugh despite my grumpy mood. Thoroughly recommended to everyone! No 'shocking'/rude comedy, simply excellent fun.

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8 /10


Ryan and Justin, both are at a point in life when nothing seems to be working. Ryan is a former college football star and seems he can't get a break in Hollywood. Justin is a video game designer and can't get his cop game off the ground. One day on their way to a costume party, they discover that dressing like cops give them the respect and attention they crave. This leads to a path to acting like cops and being part of the LA police force. All is fun in games until they cross a real life gangster and discover that being a cop is not as easy as in the movies. A funny movie and also amazing how Damon Wayans, Jr. looks and acts like his daddy. Funny and a good story, Let's be Cops is a peek inside the police world.

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2 /10

my notes

I hated it a lot. i wanted to leave before it was finished. it was almost 0 funny. neither of the main characters should be a lead in a comedy, or in anything for that matter. so many parts that were supposed to be funny were met with the sound of crickets. so many corny cheesy stupid parts. i just wanted it to end (1 view)

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6 /10

Reserved for the Old Blockbuster Crowd

Don't be fooled by the sophomoric title which conjures up images of idiots pretending to be cops to pick up chicks, get free things and otherwise act like fools in uniform…wait, that is what happens in this film. Still don't be fooled by the title, the movie isn't so much face-palming as it is just mildly and reliably silly.

The movie stars Jake Johnson of New Girl (2011-2014) fame as a burned out former college sports prodigy who's currently unemployed and single in sunny Los Angeles. His roommate Damon Wayans Jr. is a video game designer who struggles to bring his ideas to life thanks to a petrifying fear of taking initiative. His new game pitch involves a Grand Theft Auto-type RPG boasting an authentic beat cop experience. So authentic in fact, that he borrows real police uniforms to place on his presentation mannequins. His boss doesn't go for it but at least the two can become a hit at a costume party, thus beginning a ruse that grabs the attention of the ladies, the criminals and the LAPD.

The film adds very little to the buddy cop genre save a realistic performance by Rob Riggle as a legit Police officer. The villains are serviceable in menace and acting ability while love interest Nina Dobrev of the ever popular Degrassi: The Next Generation (2006-2009) is breathtaking T&A. The notion of Dobrev's character aspiring to be a makeup artist and not an actress or model is about as silly as Fred Astaire aspiring to be a shoe-shiner. Try as they might the chemistry between the two leads is cordial but no where near the level of Murtaugh and Briggs, Cates and Hammond, Lee and Carter. At best they're Freebie and the Bean (1974) without the pretense of already being A-List stars.

But let's be real, this film isn't trying to be the next Rush Hour (1998), and yes that is the new marker of quality. It's a movie that tries to reassemble the old Blockbuster video crowd who rented Martin Lawrence's National Security (2003) and All About the Benjamins (2002) a hundred times because old habits die hard and The Marine (2006) was already rented out. While Johnson and Wayans Jr. may not have the established fan base of Martin Lawrence or Ice Cube, there's no denying the films refreshing lack of pretense and the actors' enthusiasm towards the one-trick pony screenplay.

Let's cut the BS, what it all comes down to in movies like this is can it make you laugh? The short answer is yes and not just scattered chuckles either. Is it worth a re-watch; probably not. There are some truly inspired moments many of which are provided by Keegan-Michael Key (If Key and Jordan Peele were cast as the hapless fake cops instead of Johnson and Wayans who knows how deliciously absurd this movie could have gotten). Yet the buddy-banter all feels recycled and the action sequences are mundane.

I tacitly approve even if Let's Be Cops appeared too late on the scene to be relevant. Those who are limitedly exposed to the clichés of boys-in-blue-type cinema will find something to like, especially when their parents aren't in the room. Those with more discerning taste might want to look the other way on this one, not because it's offensive, dumb or bad but because it's too little of anything.

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8 /10

Very very funny

Let me just start by saying that this isn't an over the top blockbuster film like everyone seems to expect from every movie that comes out now. For some reason people have these attitudes towards movies that aren't packed with insane plot holes and story details wrapped up in a cgi blanket to attempt to blow your mind. This movie is really a funny movie, no matter what anyone says. My girlfriend was having a bad day and I was low on energy to try to entertain so we went to see this for a few laughs. It didn't disappoint. I didn't go in with high hopes that there would be any real reason to like it very much but it came around within the first few minutes of the movie. We both left feeling better and like it was worth it, (and I am an adult so the 'teenager type jokes' that one reviewer referred to are unfounded). Jake Johnson really sells the image of a guy just looking for any kind of change in his life and Damon Wayans Jr. is and actor that really puts a lot of work into whatever role he is in. I don't want to ruin any of the movie with bits and pieces that I enjoyed more than the others so I am leaving you with this. If you have a desire to get enjoyment from a film without becoming emotionally invested in a story that lasts 3 movies or longer with hints and clues popping up all over the place eluding to a next installment of whatever series, (and enjoy comedy of all types) then I would recommend this highly. Not artistic, not over done, not offensive to the degree some say, just straight up good comedy. Waaay better than the terrible Seth Rogen movie "the Neighbors". Hope this helps.

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1 /10

Let's Be Cops handcuffs itself into being the laziest comedy I've ever had the misfortune of watching.

This is a first, ladies and gentlemen. I have never done this before in the entirety of my life, let alone in my current amateur critiquing days. You ready? Approximately fifty minutes in, I turned off the film. I couldn't do it to myself. I just couldn't! This. THIS. I made it through 'The Love Guru'. I survived 'Jack and Jill'. I watched 'Movie 43' and lived to tell the tale. But not this simple-minded "comedy". It flamboyantly waved everything I despise about modern American comedies right in my face, and I screamed "No!". Sit back and prepare yourselves, this isn't going to be pretty. Two friends, who are deemed failures in life, dress up as police officers and impersonate them in an attempt to spruce up their lives and have fun.

At the time I turned it off, the tone somewhat shifted into tackling local vigilantism with some strands of "taking justice into our own hands", but I didn't care. I witnessed enough torturous humour to cement my sentiments early one. As you know, I'm not susceptible to comedy. Without tooting my own police siren, my resistance to laughing is impenetrable. Fortunately there was no struggle here, as not a single line of dialogue was effective. No smiles were cracked. No chuckles were heard. I was dead, inside and out. Let's Be Cops is, essentially, a five minute sketch drawn out for an hour and a half. You aren't going to take anything away from this feature. Nothing. Just the solidification of one's natural ability to withstand self-torture.

Firstly, are the main characters that are so abhorrently frickin' unintelligent, that they had to physically type the words "impersonating a police officer offence" into a search engine, and be subsequently shocked by the revealed punishment? Have modern audiences degraded their minds so substantially that they find a naked obese man body slamming into one of the "cops", resting his sweaty genitals gently on their cranium, hilarious? Have we, as a species, become so unsophisticated that finding enjoyment from a child being forced to stab a man double his age to be outrageously funny behaviour? I apologise that I like my comedy with a hint of intelligence, but this was woeful. Absolutely frickin' dreadful. I'm sick and tired of these modern traits plaguing the genre. "Oh, well if we have the characters dress up as officers, then atleast we can shove ten minutes of partying, purchase a soundtrack predominantly comprising of dubstep and get those pubescent teens booking tickets immediately!".

The screenplay literally comprises of scenes, unconnected to each other, that play out as if they were one minute YouTube clips. Ah, they got the wrong dress code for the masquerade ball! Woops, frickin' hilarious though, right? Game developers wanting to make a video game that includes zombies. I can't breathe. No, not because it's so funny that they are commentating on an entire industry, but because they ARE commentating on an entire industry. God frickin' damn. Johnson and Wayans had no chemistry. None. The former wouldn't shut the hell up and was infatuated with the sound of his own voice. The latter looked so out of place and timid that Johnson was just eating him up alive. Then the sexism. Oh God, the sexism! It's ridiculous! A group of women floundering along shouting "Ohhh we have to kiss cops *mwah*". Go away. Stop. Enough.

You want to make a pro-police comedy? Grab a notebook, watch 'Hot Fuzz' and record the amount of times you laughed. Was it more than once? Well, that'll be one more than this piece of soul-draining pointlessly stupid incomprehensibly anger-inducing "comedy" has to offer.

Y'know what? I'm not even sorry I didn't finish this. Which is a shame, as D'Arcy looked to have put in a good performance. However, life goes on. This is the turning point. I'm not buying another modern comedy again. Unless they're unanimously praised, I'm avoiding them like the plague. Quite possibly one of the worst comedies I've watched, capitalising on crude behaviour for apparent laughs. Let's Be Anything But Cops. Heck, Let's Be Gravediggers.

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4 /10

Let's Be Cops Review

Warning: Spoilers

My Thoughts:

I was really looking forward to this movie when I saw the trailers for it. But this movie has committed one of my cardinal sins and that is with all the trailers and TV spots they pretty much show you all the funny moments in the film. That is always disappointing to me and I do not understand why the movie companies keep doing that. Take notes from some of the more successful R rated comedies where you do not have to show every single funny moment in your trailer to get people to come in or show us some of the scenes that maybe didn't make it into the movie.

The second thing that I didn't like about this movie is that even before the halfway point I knew what was going to happen with not only the two main characters but the storyline as well. I am not going to ruin anything for those that still go see it in the theaters but if you pay attention you know what is going to happen to O'Malley (Jake Johnson) and you know how the story is going to unfold.

This seems to be a recurring problem with R rated comedies, you will get like two great comedies that everyone is going to compare all other comedies that follow it and this year they happen to be Neighbors and 22 Jump Street. I do believe there is room for more great comedies especially the R rated kind but they do need to take notes from the above mentioned movies and plan accordingly.

My Recommendation:

I wish I could say go see it in theaters but sadly do not waster the money wait for the DVD.

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3 /10

Waste of time

the movie is about a couple of guys ( roommates) a black and white guy,, who accomplished nothing in life after reaching their thirties,,the black guy is an underachiever video game editor and the other is a former pro athlete who is retired because of an injury,,,and by coincidence they went to a costume party wearing cops uniform that ended them getting involved in real police work,,,that ended them blowing the cover of one of the dangerous gangs in the streets and their corrupted police officer backup,,,, I went to watch this movie knowing that it wont be a movie of a value,,,and from the trailer i knew that it wont have a good storyline or acting or anything,,,,so i went to watch it keeping in mind that it will be just for spending joyful time smiling may be laughing sometimes on gags or funny quotes,,,and to be honest i kept in my mind that the reviews from the viewers were fond of the movie even though it was a flop with the critics After keeping all that in my mind,,i tried to be fair and evaluate it as just entertaining movie ,,,but,,,,,,,,,come on people,,,its bad,,,its boring ,,its very predictable,its not even a movie,,,u can try to drag laughs by splashing your face with paint ,,or acting like a clown.,,,but not in a cinema,,,over all the movie is boring,,and it didn't make me laugh at all,,i felt its too dumb to laugh at,,,and you know what,,the stars of the movie are the TV stars of 2 slightly successful shows,,,new girl and happy endings,,,,and i expected much more from them in this movie,,,,baseline i feel bad i wasted my time on this movie,,,i feel bad that it got good reviews from viewers coz this means that cinema isn't a cinema anymore,,,its turning into freak shows

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2 /10

Not Funny or Memorable,

Let's Be Cops is a terrible movie with a really poorly written storyline and a decent cast that sadly had no way of making this enjoyable.The two main characters are unlikeable from the moment you meet them and you don't care about them or anything they're doing for the whole movie.It is also just not funny,some parts were enjoyable but absolutely nothing had me properly laughing,I think Jake Johnson and Damon Wayans Jr. are both good comedy actors,particularity on New Girl,but they just could not improve on this brutal script.Rob Riggle and Andy Garcia are the movies highlight,it was great to see someone deliver some comedy that actually worked and some good dramatic acting,but they both deserved so much better than this.The movie is also about a half an hour too long,you really don't care about these characters at this point but the story just keeps going,it's only 100 minutes but I honestly thought it was passed 2 hours,I don't think I had ever felt this bored watching a comedy.Little laughs and unlikeable characters,I regret paying money to see this movie and I highly recommend you don't.

After getting mistaken for real police officers when wearing a costume,two friends decide to keep up the charade.

Best Performance: Andy Garcia Worst Performance: Natasha Leggero

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6 /10

Like a cop at a crime scene, I'll say it to the people watching it: OK, move along, nothing much to see here in this movie. Really, there isn't much to look at.

Warning: Spoilers

Good Cops? Bad Cops? Let's be cops was alright cops. This movie is like a buddy cop movie, except they are not really cops. Let's be Cops is about two longtime friends, reject video designer Justin Miller (Damon Wayans Jr) and washed up college quarterback, Ryan Mallory (Jake Johnson) whom truly direction-less in their lives. It wasn't until, they put on police uniforms for a costume party, that they realize the fame, and respect that comes with the badge. They continue to act like real life police, but soon, drew attention from both the local Russian mob boss, Mossi Kasic (James D'Arcy) and a corrupt police, Detective Brolin (Andy Garcia) when the fake cops start to interference with their plans to sell, police equipment in the black market. Now, Mallory and Justin Miller must find a way to stop the mob, while also keeping their secret, from the real police like Patrol Officer Seagars (Rob Riggle). The movie has a lot of recycle jokes taken from other movies like a grown man beating kids in football or a character get tackled by a fat naked guy so we can watch his testicles get rubbed on his face. The movie barely has anything new to bring to the table. After a while, the comedy just dies down, as the second half, become more and more seriously tone. The melodrama itself choke the humor into submission and become least fun to watch, toward the end. It didn't become light-hearted until during the credits, where they show them, playing around, again. Honestly, I can care less about Justin Miller's arch, because how annoying he is throughout the film. Damon Wayan overacts here. Always acting way too uptight, scare of everything, and moaning. His character is such a hypocrite. By the time, he has his hero moment, you just don't care. It's not like it matters, because they screw up that part, by have Damon Wayans act even more like a coward. His character was such a killjoy. I love Jake Johnson as the laid back, imprudent type character. He play the role, well, as he wasn't too pure obnoxiousness. His character was very too self-centered or narcissism idiotic enough to hate. He honestly had more of a sense of morals than what Damon Wayans's character was complaining about Mallory. In my opinion, I think both of them do have great screen chemistry together. Still, it could had been better. A good example of good fake buddy cop characters, is the two duos of USA Network Channel's TV Show's Psych (2006-2014), about two friends conning the police into thinking they're psychic detective. This movie should had made me feel the same way that shows does. Good. I didn't feel good, watching the two leads. The supporting cast was mostly alright. This is one of the very few, Rob Riggle's movies that I can really stand watching him. Keegan-Michael Key was also great in a cameo role as an eccentric Latino nutcase. Honestly, I didn't know it was him, at first until a closer look. He was bedecked with tattoos and various jewelries speaking amusing broken English. Good job from him. He really got into his small role. The female characters were a bit dry. Damon Wayans's character relationship with Josie (Nina Dobrev) seen a bit forced. Also, Josie only find him attract due to his social status as a fake cop. That's not real love, at all. I really doubt, these two, really care about each other, after all, Justin Miller after setting up a date, was willing to stop a fight between two sorority girls, because he thought they were going to be hot, while wasn't the case. One great highlight for me was the villain played by James D'Arcy. He remind me of a modern day, William the Butcher Cutting, with his acting throughout the film. I love, every minute of it. The action was so-so. Nothing much or new. The car chase and shoot-outs were way too short. The stunt work was alright for the most part. Overall: Sadly, this movie kinda disappointed me. Don't get me wrong, it's not the worst movie, it's just mediocre as hell. We have a 187 here. Victim is known as the movie "Let be Cops', suspect shot it down. Yes, I did! Bang! Bang!

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1 /10

Title should have been: Let's Be Metermaids.

This long, long (yes even at 100 or so minutes) is just awful.

PLOT: Two bumbling idiots decide to impersonate cops. Faux hi jinks follow. You are very thankful though when the movie is over, even tho it seems as tho it goes on forever, way past its premise.

Nothing to see here so just move along, folks.

The 'buddy' cops fail to deliver and those two had about as much chemistry as salt peter and zinc.

Horrible plot, poor acting, no sympathy for such bone head characters, and their stupidity and bumbling is so frustrating, you better have ff engaged at all times. Totally stupid situations they encounter. All make mowing the lawn a much better more exciting alternative.

Or better if as in Star Trek you had 'warp speed' you could get through this mish mash much faster.

Was this movie scripted on a napkin at Spaggios? It looked like they winged it.

Too bad, because I think Waylans is funny and loved all of the SCARY MOVIES.

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2 /10

People should be arrested for this tripe

I saw LET'S BE COPS yesterday. Let's Be Cops stars Damon Wayans Jr. and Jake Johnson as two losers who pretend to be cops in order to get the thrills and respect they lack in their normal lives. The movie attempts to be another version of those wacky cop movies like Police Academy or Super Troopers but unlike those movies, this movie is tragically unfunny. Every time there seems to be a setup for a joke it just peters out and in some cases, Wayans and Johnson run away from the scene, get into a cop car and drive away. The movie is not all bad though, Keegan-Michael Key of Key & Peel fame has a funny part as a dreadlocked tattooed thug but he shows up far too late to breathe much needed life into the movie. Overall I really can't think of anything else good to say about this movie. Its badly written, unfunny and just overall really dry. I really can't recommend it in any capacity. Let's Be Cops gets a 1...out of 5.

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2 /10

One of the Worst Comedies I've Seen In a Long Time!

Just got back from seeing this and this really was one of the worst movies I've seen this year. The writing is horrible! The laziest type of comedy, I swear half of the jokes completely relied on swearing. Some of the jokes didn't even have anything to do with the cop premise (hotboxing the car, riding roller coasters) it was obvious they didn't have enough material to fill the entire movie so they stuffed it with cheap juvenile jokes. An example of this would be a scene were the writers didn't know how to end it, so they have a character get tackled by a fat naked guy so we can watch his testicles get rubbed on his face (comedy gold right?). And don't even get me started on them ramming jokes into the ground. Also, it ask the viewer to despend their disbelief on the level of something like Identity Thief. The story is incredibly predictable even by comedy standards. You know exactly who the villains are the second they appear on screen and the twist can be seen from miles away. There is also just poor writing in advancing the story. For example, when the girl calls Damon Wayans character telling him to come see her, they somehow know to come into the building knowing that she was being held hostage even though she didn't even imply that at all. I honestly felt a bit insulted by how bad some of the writing in this was. The tone was also stuck between along the lines between something like 21 Jump Street and something along the lines of Hot Fuzz. The third act felt like an entirely different movie and there wasn't even a good transition into it. The only good thing I can say about it is that the chemistry between the two leads was good.

The most depressing thing was that I saw this in a packed theater filled with teenagers laughing like it was the funniest movie they ever saw. I swear every time somebody dropped the f-bomb or said pussy they laughed like crazy. It will probably end up being #1 at the box office this weekend and FOX will probably green light a sequel that will make millions as well. This truly is one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time! I actually think it might be worse than Transformers which I thought was the worst movie of the summer up until this. I'd rather watch Kevin Smith's Cop Out a million times before ever having to watch this again. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY PEOPLE! I only went because a friend invited me to and it was discount day at one of my local theaters and I still feel ripped off! It doesn't quite reach the level of awfulness along the lines of A Haunted House 2, but it's pretty damn close. If it's movies like this that people are truly finding funny, then I really think we are looking at the decline of comedy as we know it.

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8 /10

Taste determines your rating of this movie

When I saw the trailer I was reluctant about seeing this movie. I was afraid it was a standard popular American comedy in which absurdity-comedy was the focus, like most stand-up comedians and Southpark. The movie does include these kind of jokes, but because of the sequence of jokes and the "story" (as in standard rom-com "story") I found the movie to be very funny. But then again it is difficult to make a movie which everybody thinks is funny, for example I think the Achorman 1 was the most hilarious movie ever but the sequel I thought was terrible. So I think you will either love or hate this movie depending on your sense of humor.

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10 /10

Fun Movie

Very fun movie.

This is a comedy with guys pretending to be cops.

Nothing wrong with it. It was very funny. If you like rude and offensive movies, this is slightly below that. Long and short of it, you'll have a good time watching it.

Guys would love this movie, if they gave it a pun intended. Plus it currently as pf October 2014, has a 6.8 rating....seems about right.

GIve it a try. It's just about a couple of life long friends failing at life and one day just got cop uniforms for a party and the rest is history.

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1 /10

decadence and repetition

After a few minutes, like 2 minutes, you can see what this is all about. Two losers trying to make it in LA, but realizing that is not gonna happen. OK. let's watch this plot for the million time, no big deal... but when you see that Jake Johnson's success moment was appearing in a ad about hemorrhoids (or something like that), you can't avoid to get a little annoyed by the repetition, it's unbelievable that a joke so overdone like that one keeps getting screen time.

This is a lazy movie, all the jokes where done before, and multiple times, it tries to appeal to being ludicrous-funny, i think, but it's just ludicrous, everything that happens appears to be the product of the imagination of a 12 year old that devotes his life to watch and love generic sitcoms. I recommend to see this, non the less, because is a very very good example of the absolute decadence of comedy, having moronic stories and repeating the same jokes of the last 30 years.

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4 /10

a matter of taste but essentially stupid.

Let's be honest here. This movie has one quintessential quality: stupidity. The duo of make-belief cops is so stupid, I wonder how they made it this far in their lives without having a lethal accident. Basically it's two thirty-something guys with their careers in a sinkhole, suddenly finding great joy and opportunity in pretending to be cops.

Through it all they keep doing remarkably stupid things, shamefully stupid things, and ridiculously stupid things.

It appears this is where the movie delivers. You can watch almost two hours of these guys being really stupid - it is up to you to regard this as a funny thing, or as shamefully bad taste. For me, it is the latter.

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7 /10

A Good Laugh Here and There

At first I was not sure if I liked the movie. I assumed it was just going to be another quotable movie where at times you had a good laugh. But because I love both of the two main actors from the show New Girl, I just had to see it. I actually found myself laughing way more than I expected and would love to watch this movie again. Some parts were taken too far but it had a good amount of clean humor and a little crude humor as well. It takes a lot for a comedy to earn itself ten stars. This film did not quite do it because of the scenes that were over the top and probably should have just been left out all together. Don't expect the same laugh out loud comedy like New Girl from Let's Be Cops but it can definitely lift your mood and give you an occasional belly laugh.

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8 /10

I saw a funny film, I don't know what film the critics saw.

Let's Be Cops is not high art, but it never tries to be. It's just an entertaining adult comedy. The movie blends comedy and suspense together perfectly, something last years The Hangover 3 failed to do. The two leads Jake Johnson and Damon Wayans Jr have great comic chemistry, they are like a perfect odd couple. Damon Wayans Jr(Damon Wayans lookalike son) proves that comedy really runs in the family.

To down on there luck best friends(Damon Wayans Jr and Jake Johnson) decide to go a costume party dressed up as police officers, but turns out to not what they thought it would be. But when they leave, and go for a walk, people start to think they are real cops. Enjoying the new found respect, they both decide pose as real cops. But what happens when they get mixed up with some dangerous bad guys?

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8 /10

More funny than not

As with the recent cop buddy movies you can expect crude jokes painful moments and some laughs. This one is above average because the funny moments outweigh the painful parts. Plus they are just pretending to be cops so it's different. There is an underdog feel good thing too and a fairly clever rounded story.

The cast is likable and well chosen. Damon Wayans Jr and Jake Johnson aren't over familiar and they are quite watchable. Under different hands like Rogen or Wahlberg there roles might have come across as strained. Nina Dobrev looks quite lovely here as the romantic interest of Wayans' character. British actor James D'Arcy is quite unrecognizable as the villain.

Worth one watch.

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7 /10

Funny But Not Hilarious

Warning: Spoilers

I saw "Let's Be Cops", starring Jake Johnson-New Girl_tv, 21 Jump Street_2012; Damon Wayans Jr-New Girl_tv,; Nina Dobrev-The Vampire Diaries_tv, The Roommate; Rob Riggle-21 Jump Street_2012 and Andy Garcia-The Pink Panther 2_2009, Smokin' Aces.

This is like a buddy cop movie, except they are not really cops. Jake and Damon are thirty something year old guys living together trying to make it big in Los Angeles. Jake relives old football glories and Damon works at a video game company, but he hasn't sold one of his ideas, yet. Nina plays a waitress that Damon likes but he just can not get up enough nerve to ask her out. Jake and Damon go to a costume party dressed as cops and are mistaken for real police officers, on their way home. They get the idea to keep impersonating cops for the fringe benefits-one of them is that Nina now pays attention to Damon. But, sooner or later, you know they are going to get into some actual situations where real police are required. Rob plays a real cop that has a couple of run-ins with our imposters, and eventually, they all cross paths with a real bad guy, played by Andy. It reminded me of 21 Jump Street but it wasn't quite as good, more like a 'B' grade version. It's rated "R" for language, sexual references-including some nudity- violence and drug use and has a running time of 1 hour & 44 minutes. I liked it enough that I would probably buy it on DVD.

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1 /10

Could have been so much better

Truly a terrible movie. Not a single joke landed nor did it make me laugh once, and I usually have a good sense of humour. Johnson is good as usual but Wayans is one of the worst actors I've seen, he's so unconvincing in this role apart perhaps from the scene when he's drugged. None of the other actors are either funny or likeable.

What's sad is that this could have been so much better, the idea is good but this film injects too much depressing matter into it and dramatic scenes, not to mention being infuriatingly predictable and stupid. It should have gone further in a lot of scenes, added more adult humour instead of the juvenile humour present. Not that any of it is funny anyway. The film goes stale almost off the bat and this is simply so disappointing as a whole. The ending is awful too. And clearly written by someone with no imagination.

Avoid. Not a single memorable moment.

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